Ayurveda Course

7 days Marma Panchkarma Online Course with Practical Trainings

Therapies means know all the procedure in details with their indication and how to care the patient during procedure and their medical record

    • Quality practice of Panchkarma therapist should know the
    • Each procedure of Panchkarma in detail
    • Their indication
    • Contraindication
    • Benefits of procedure
    • Basic treatment and first aid during procedure

Certificate course in Quality Panchkarma Therapist


10th Passed


7 Days



Certificate course in Quality Panchkarma Therapist


  1. Poorv karma & Panchkarma like: Abhyanga procedure, direction of abhyanga according to disease
  2. Benefits
  3. Contraindication
  4. How to treat patient
  5. How to prepare their medical records
  6. Disease in which abhyanga can be recommended


  1. Takr Dhara
  2. Kashya Dhara
  3. Shiropichu
  4. Shiro Basti

Basic concept of

  1. Vaman
  2. Virechan
  3. Basti (Anuasan, Niruha)
  4. Nasyam
  5. Rakt Mokshan

Various Type Of Swedan Chikitsa Like:

  1. Steam bath
  2. Baluka swedan
  3. Patra Pinda Swedna
  4. Shastika shali pind swedan
  5. Jambeer Potali
  6. Ruksha Potali, Sanigadh Potali and other types of Potali

Kati Basti, Greewabasti, Janubasti, Harid Basti, Nabhi Basti

  1. Indication Of Disease
  2. Contraindication Of Disease
  3. How To Choose The Patient
  4. Recommended Oil For Various Disease
  5. How To Treat Complication During Procedure
  6. Medical Record


  1. How to prepare Potali according to disease, drugs herbs, vat shamak drugs, their identification, their usage & effects on body.
  2. How to recover complication during the procedure.
  3. Potali effects & side effects & their treatments
  4. How to prepare medical records of patients under swedna treatment

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B-49, Sector-5, Bawana Industrial Area, Delhi-110039




9643069869, 7428177717

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