Ayurveda Gyne

Ayurveda Course

Diploma in PG Panchkarma is a 2 years diploma course in the domain of Ayurveda. Panchakarma ayurveda training program is a cleansing and rejuvenating program for the body, mind, and consciousness. Panchakarma is a two-year diploma program in the field of Ayurveda. The primary goal of this program is to prepare applicants to practice Ayurveda with quality measures, Students can learn the skills of Ayurvedic diagnosis and management as Ayush Doctors The main purpose of this program is by covering the various field of Ayurveda to make applicants proficient enough to carry on their own practice by opening their clinic as well as score well in future organizations.

Ayurveda Gyne Course Detail




1 Year


Online & Offline


60,000 /-

Ayurvedic Gyne Syllabus

1 Maternal Anatomy

2 Maternal Physiology

3 Ayurveda perspective towards gynaecological disorders

4 Yoni vyapt and Ayurvedic Treatments

  • Vataja Yoni Roga
  • Pittaja Yoni Roga
  • Kaphaja Yoni Roga
  • Sannipataja Yoni Roga
  • Rakta Yoni
  • Arajaska Yoni Vyapat
  • Acharana Yoniroga
  • Aticharana Yonivyapat
  • Prakcharana Yoniroga
  • Upapluta Yoniroga
  • Paripluta Yoniroga
  • Udavartini Yoniroga
  • Karnini Yoni Roga
  • Putraghni Yoniroga
  • Antarmukhi Yoni Roga
  • Soochimukhi Yoniroga
  • Shushka Yoni Roga
  • Vamini Yoni Roga
  • Maha Yoni
  • Shandi Yoni Roga

5 Ayurvedic Treatments for Various Disease

  • Irregular menstruation
  • Cervix diseases
  • Endometriosis
  • Vaginal Vault Prolapse
  • Diseases in Vulva
  • Ayurveda perspective towards gynecological
  • disorders.
  • Importance of Ayurveda Lifestyle.
  • Detail case taking according to Ayurveda.
  • Importance of Ayurveda Lifestyle.
  • Diagnosis (Nidan) ,samprapti,
  • Successful treatment for gynecological
  • disorders such as PCOD, Ovarian cyst, Fibroid etc…

6 Complete Study about Infertility

  • Concept of ‘Vandyatwa’in Ayurveda
  • Introduction – Male and Female infertility
  • Investigation and Examination in Female Infertility
  • Ovarian factors and Female Infertility
  • Repeated Pregnancy loss and TORCH infections
  • Endometrial factors interrupting Fertility.
  • Congenital Uterine Anomalies
  • Anatomical Anomalies with advanced Management Options
  • (Tubal Blockage, TB Endometrium, AUB) Habitual abortions, tubal blockages,
  • Low AMH, Donor egg, recurrent IUI and IVF Failure, etc.
  • Investigation and Examination in Male Infertility
  • Male inf ertility Management-
  • Oligospermia, Asthenospermia, Teratospermia, Azoospermia) Erectile Dysf
  • unction, Retrograde Ejaculation, Premature Ejaculation
  • Sexual Dysfunctionsand Infertil ity
  • Recent Modem Advancement in Infertility Management
  • Shaman chikitsa
  • Shodhana chikitsa Rasayana in ClinicalPractice
  • Diet, life style, Pathyapathya inInfertility Management
  • Role of Panchakarma in Vandyatwa andStha nika chlkitsa
  • Role of Vajeekara na in Male infertility
  • Clinical experience shring and case discussions – 2 classes

7 Complete knowledge about Garbhasanskar

  • Psychological Counseling For couples in Beeja sanskar & Garbhasanskar
  • Clinical importance of Rajaswala charya.
  • Beja Suddhi (Preconception) for couples Beejasansker
  • Life style Modifications for Beeja suddhi for couples Sutika paricharya
  • Garbhini charya & mausanumasik chikitsain
  • First three month Part 1
  • Second three month -Part 2
  • Last three month – part 3
  • Management of complications during Pregnancy.
  • Like high b.p, stress, constipation, vomiting,etc Yoga in Garbhasanskar
  • Diet according to mausanumasik vridhi of fetus. According to different Acharya’s.
  • Garbhini charya & mausanumasik chikitsa Prasava periphery & Sukha Prasav.
  • Role of Panchakarma in Preconseptional stage (Beeja Shudhi).
  • Music Therapy in Garbhasanskar.
  • Role of Yoga in Garbhasanskar, mausanumasik yoga practice for featus and mother health.
  • Music Therapy in Garbhasanskar

8 Complete knowledge about punasvan samskar

  • Exploring the Concept of Pumsavana for Pre-Conception.
  • Recurrent Pregnancy loss – An Ayurveda Perspective.
  • Role of Panchakarma in Gynecological problems.

9 Procedure and Local Treatments Gynecological Problems & Prectical

  • Clinical UTTAR BASTI for both Male Female

10 Male Factor - Infertility

11 Clinical Prespective - Anatomy & function of Male Reproductive Organs

12 Evaluation of the male infertility patient

  • Basic Investigation
  • seman Analysis
  • How to interprete semen alalysis , sperm Morphological eveuation?
  • What are the factor need to be investigation
  • other labortory & non labortory invetigation
  • Ayurveda Beej Parikshana

13.Case Taking & patient counseling

14.Diffrent semen Abnormalties Aspermia

  • Azoospermia
  • Asthenozooapermia
  • Teratpzoospermia
  • Oilgozasthenoterato zoospermia
  • Pyospermia
  • Leukocytospermia
  • Necrozoospermia
  • Genetic Morbities and others

Ayurvedic Gyne Class

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B-49, Sector-5, Bawana Industrial Area, Delhi-110039




9643069869, 7428177717

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